
Arris Modem Lights (Meaning & Fixes)

Arris Modem Lights

If you’re an owner of an Arris modem, you may have wondered what the various lights indicate, and which light combinations require fixes. Arris modem lights show the status of the internet connection.

They change colors or blink depending on certain problems with connectivity.

Understanding the meaning of the different lights will enable you to troubleshoot problems quickly when they arise, allowing you to swiftly return online.

Examples of functions the Arris modem lights indicate include power, send, receive, and online.

Sometimes, these lights may blink and this often indicates an issue with your internet connection.

There are many potential causes of Arris modem light blinking, and these include loose cables, internet outages, overheating and overloading of the modem.

Thankfully, most of these issues can be easily fixed at home, and in this article, we provide practical solutions to help you do this. If a DIY fix is not possible, you can also contact Arris customer care to help you.

Continue reading to learn more about the different Arris modem lights, their meanings, and fixes.

Meaning of Arris Modem Lights?

Arris Modem Lights Meaning

Depending on the model, Arris modems can have between four and nine lights on the device. Given there can be such a large number of lights, it’s only natural to wonder what each of them means.

We explain below.

Power Light

The power light shows that your modem is being supplied with power. When the modem is completely powered and has sufficient power, it will show a solid green light.

Receive Light

This is sometimes labeled as ‘Download Stream’ or ‘DS’.

The received light shows that the Arris modem is properly downloading bits of information (data packets) from the internet and is receiving the signal well.

The colors change if you have more than one bandwidth such as the high-speed 5GHz and 2.4GHz.

A green light status shows a connection to only 2.4GHz while a blue light shows a connection to both the regular 2.4Ghz and high-speed 5Ghz.

Send Light

This is sometimes labeled as ‘Upload Stream’ or ‘US’.

The send light shows that your device is sending a signal out and that your upload stream is working properly.

Online Light

When the online light is solid green, it shows that your Arris modem is fully connected to the internet, has finished the startup process, and is ready to be used.

4 GHz Light

This light is in some models as an extra light and when it is green, it shows that the 2.4 GHz band has an internet connection.

5 GHz Light

When the 5GHz light is green, it means that this band has established an internet connection.

Link Light

Not all Arris modems have this light.

The link light on the newer models is located below the ‘online light’. A blinking link light is no cause for alarm as it shows that the modem is transferring data, either uploading or downloading.

A yellow link light shows that your cable has an issue. The link light will turn green if everything is working properly.

Phone/Line Light

The phone/line light is only found in some models and shows whether the modem is connected to your phone.

Arris Modem Lights Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is much easier when you know what you’re looking for.

When Arris modems experience issues, certain lights will either transform a different color or start blinking.

Below, we outline what you should look out for.

Power Light Solid Red

Sometimes, the power light can turn solid red. This means that the modem is not able to fully power up, leaving you with no internet connection.

This can be caused by multiple issues including a loose power connector, faulty power adapter, or any other internal hardware problems.

To solve this issue, try removing the device from its power source by unplugging the modem’s power cable from the wall outlet. Leave it unplugged for about two minutes, and then plug it back in.

If the problem is not solved, then you may need to restart your modem or do a hard reset.

Power Light Flashing Green

When the power light is flashing green, it means that your modem is in the process of booting up. In this case, be patient while the device loads up.

The point of concern is when the green flashing continues for more than five minutes. In this case, you then need to disconnect the modem from the power source and plug it back again.

Receive Light Blinking

If you are using a dual-band connection (both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz) and your receive light is blinking green continuously, then only one of the channels is operational.

If you notice slow upload or download speeds while the receive light is blinking, 2.4 GHz is likely only active.

To fix this issue, you need to restart your modem and double-check all the connections. You can also check if any of the bands have been disabled accidentally in the admin settings.

Send Light Blinking

If the send light is blinking green and you have dual-band internet, then it means that the upload connection is only working on one channel.

This will often be the 2.4Ghz band which is operational and has slower upload speeds compared to the 5GHz band.

Online Light Blinking

If the online light is blinking green, then your modem wants to register your connection.

If it is staying solid red or blinking yellow, then the connection was unsuccessful. If you notice a solid red or blinking yellow light, you need to call the internet service provider for further assistance.

Arris Modem Troubleshooting 

Below, we outline various issues that may cause bad internet connectivity with your Arris modem. With each issue, we outline various steps you can take to fix it.

1. Internet Outage

Sometimes the Internet service provider experiences network problems or is performing scheduled maintenance. Unfortunately, these issues are beyond your control to fix, so you’ll have to remain patient.

Internet outages could be caused by extreme weather or unstable local signals. This causes syncing or connecting problems with your modem.

If you know there is an internet outage, you’ll have to wait for the ISP technician to fix the issue.

A good tip to prevent surging in your electronic equipment during outages is to purchase power strips. These are particularly important in areas with regular outages.

2. Perform a Power Cycle

If your Arris modem goes down, the issue can be easy to solve. Perform a power cycle by following the steps:

  • Unplug the power cord and remove the battery.
  • Wait for 30 seconds then connect the power cable again.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes so everything can reconnect.
  • Hopefully, your Arris modem is back fully working.

3. Loose or Faulty Cables

A common cause of internet connection issues with Arris modems is loose or faulty cables. Many people will check everything else apart from the cables.

For an Arris modem, if either the power, coaxial or ethernet cables are loose or faulty, the modem’s internet connectivity will be impacted. Coaxial splitters are also vulnerable to wear and tear so should also be checked.

Therefore, if you are experiencing issues with your internet connection, check that all cables are connected well. This means not only checking the cables on the modem end but also to the end of the router, computer, or wall.

Try this fix whenever you see the received light blinking on an Arris modem. If the issue persists, one of the cables may be faulty and requires a replacement.

4. Device Overheating

Arris modems may start to act up if they are placed in an area that has low air circulation. Poor air circulation contributes to the device overheating and emitting a poor internet signal.

You can fix this by amending the location of the Arris modem device. Ideally, the modem should be in a place far away from direct sunlight or enclosed places.

5. Modem Overloading

Arris modems can be overloaded when the device is performing too many tasks at the same time. For example, you may be downloading large files while simultaneously streaming your favorite Netflix show.

Overloading also occurs when multiple devices are handling too many processes at the same time.

A key indicator of modem overloading is slower internet speeds and downloads taking forever.

When you notice your modem is overloaded, you can fix it using the following solutions:

  • Shut down your modem. This might work well for your overheated device. Unplug the modem from its power source for about half a minute and plug it back in.
  • Add a second router. Usually, a modem does not need a secondary router but if you are using the network frequently, you may need an extra device. Additional routers can eliminate dead zones and improve the range of the internet network generated by the modem.
  • Prevent overloading of your modem by regularly checking on the Activity Monitor to ensure that the CPU is not using too much power. You also need to keep your modem ventilated to prevent heat up when it is supporting multiple connections.
  • Limit the number of devices on your network by disconnecting unwanted devices to prevent bandwidth overload.
  • Get a new cable modem. This is the last solution if you’ve tried everything else. If you are streaming or downloading a lot and you have developed challenges with your modem, consider purchasing a new one that is better equipped for high usage levels.

6. Outdated firmware or configuration

Often the cause of internet connection issues is due to software updates. It is important to keep your modem up to date because it adds support for better internet speed, improves overall functioning, and repairs any annoying bugs.

Some modems may require a desktop or a mobile app to administer the update, but most also use a web-based interface.

Most advanced modems today can update themselves. Usually, they update at night when there is low usage or when everyone is sleeping. Firmware updates primarily fix bugs.

Updating the latest firmware also better protects your household or workplace against cyber criminals and hackers from accessing your local network.

The following steps show how to update your modem firmware:

  • Access the modem’s configuration or Admin mode by logging in to the Arris configuration through the address
  • Locate the firmware version of the modem. Get the firmware version in the advanced menu or category. Then download the latest Arris firmware version.
  • After you have downloaded it, go back to the administrator page on the configuration page. Locate the button that says upload then select the newly downloaded firmware version and click upload. Then wait for about 2-5 minutes for the process to finish.
  • Finally, ensure that your firmware has been updated by manually rebooting your modem.

7. Hard Reset

It is always recommended to do a hard reset every time there is a connectivity issue.

The downside of a hard reset is that it restores the device to its default settings and will erase all saved connection data including the Wi-Fi name, passwords, and recognized devices.

You can perform the hard reset by pressing the reset button on your modem at the back using a paper clip.

8. Contact Arris Customer Support

When you have tried all the troubleshooting methods and your modem continues to not function well, try contacting Arris Customer support via email, chat, or phone.

The customer support team will connect you with an expert who can help diagnose and fix the issue with your Arris modem.

While most of the time solutions will be offered, in cases where customer support suspects a faulty device, they will recommend you replace your modem and start activating the warranty.

Finals Words

Hopefully, this article has enabled you to understand the range of Arris modem lights in detail and fixes to correct Arris modem issues.

Arris modems can range from having four to nine lights, so having insight into their meaning is very helpful when you need to troubleshoot issues.

Most of the fixes we propose can be easily done at home by following our step-by-step guide. If you require further support, customer support services are also available.

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