For any router, including an Asus router, red light means trouble.
In this instance, the trouble comes down to you not having internet access, and since that’s definitely not what you want, fixing it will be a priority for you.
Want the quick version? The likeliest reasons are an internet outage from your ISP’s side, loose cables that don’t connect properly or damaged cables, or a technical glitch that’s usually pretty easy to sort out.
Of course, there’s a small chance that your router is faulty in which case you might need a new one, but let’s not assume the worst before trying the more usual reasons for that red light.
In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps you can take to troubleshoot your issue and, with a bit of luck, get rid of that Asus router’s red light.
While you’re at it, you’ll learn a little more about troubleshooting internet outages so that you can approach similar problems with greater confidence in the future.
How To Fix ASUS Router Red Light Globe Issue
Read on for a really simple, step-by-step beginner’s guide that anyone can understand and use.
1. Check Whether Your ISP Is To Blame
Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will send out notifications when there’s maintenance or an outage.
If you have an app from your service provider, check it to see whether there’s an outage in your area and when service is expected to be restored.
Alternatively, give them a call to confirm whether it’s just you that’s affected or whether there’s a more widespread issue. If your ISP is to blame, you’ll just have to wait it out.
2. Check Your Cables
It’s not always possible to tell if you have faulty cables just by looking, but you can still check to see whether there are visible signs of a pinched or damaged cable, and you can try wiggling the connections to see if they’re loose.
While you’re at it, confirm whether your cables are connected correctly, especially if you recently moved and reconnected your router.
The Wireless router’s AC adapter should be plugged into the port labeled DC-IN. The modem should be plugged into the WAN port, and the bundled network cable is plugged into the router’s LAN port.
If your cable check doesn’t turn up any signs of trouble, you can move to the next step, but don’t rule out a faulty cable altogether. Internal damage to the cable remains a possibility.
If all else fails and you have a spare cable, try using it to see if that solves your problem. But, for now, we can move on to the next step.
3. Try Restarting Your Router
Often, a simple restart is enough to clear away a technical glitch that’s preventing you from being able to connect to the internet. Simply turn off your router and unplug it for good measure.
Give it a few minutes, plug it back in, and see what happens after it’s finished rebooting.
Simple though this might sound, it very frequently works, so be sure to try this step before moving on to the next one if you’re still seeing an illuminated Asus router red light globe.
Why does this so often work? A problematic software glitch may be “forgotten” or cleared away when you reboot. Just as all your devices need a restart from time to time, so does your Asus router.
4. Power Cycle Your System
A power cycle is a rather more extensive version of what you did when you restarted your router. In this version of the restart, you’ll disconnect everything, even your router, and let it take a rest before starting everything up again.
Remember to unplug all power sources supplying your system and be sure to let everything remain off for at least two minutes.
Once again, your aim is to make your system “forget” any software glitches and get off to a fresh start. And yes, it sometimes works even when a simple restart doesn’t.
5. Check For Firmware Updates
Firmware is the software that makes your router work. Your router usually updates its firmware automatically unless you blocked it from doing so, but if there’s a power failure during an update, for example, things get confused.
Advanced though it may sound, updating your firmware is actually really easy. The first thing to do is to determine whether your firmware is outdated. If you have the Asus app, you can do this using your phone.
Simply log in, and go to the “System” tab. You’ll see an option marked “Update,” and if you select it, you’ll be able to see whether there are outstanding firmware updates you need to download and install.
Follow the prompts, and you should be back in business.
Don’t have the app? You can try checking the Asus support website. Firmware updates will be in its “Downloads” section. However, we recommend getting the app.
6. Start From Scratch With a Factory Reset
There’s one last thing you can try before you give up. A factory reset returns your router to an as-new condition.
But, be warned, you do need to know how to set up your router from scratch if you’re going to try this option. If you don’t, your ISP’s support operatives can help you to select the correct settings to reconfigure it.
Happy that you can go it alone? Let’s jump in. If you take a look at the back of your Asus router, you’ll find a recessed button hidden inside what looks like a hole at the back of your router.
That’s to prevent you from accidentally pressing or bumping it.
You’ll need a sharp object – a bent-open paperclip is ideal – to press and hold the button for at least 10 seconds.
The lights on your router should change color, and after it has restarted, it will be like a router you just bought and connected to your system.
You’ll have to access the admin dashboard to re-enter your settings, and if all goes well, you’ll be back online once you’re done.
7. Suspected Hardware Issue
You’ve tried it all, and your Asus router’s red light just won’t go away. Could it be a hardware problem? You have two options.
You can call out a technician – and it will probably cost you to do so – or you can take your router to a store and ask the staff there to check it for you.
If you have to replace your router, you’ll be in the right place to get a new one, and if it’s under guarantee, you might even get a replacement for free.
Another way to troubleshoot hardware is to use any spare router you have instead of your Asus router and see if it has similar issues or works OK. If it does work, then there’s a good chance that your Asus router is faulty.
Online But Can’t Connect?
There’s one last thing we should mention. In this instance, your router seems to be OK, but you can’t connect your devices wirelessly.
In this scenario, it’s possible that your WiFi signal is being obstructed.
Make sure that your router is located away from other electronic devices that may be creating interference and that it isn’t enclosed or covered by other objects.
Of course, moving closer to the router or using a wired connection might solve the problem, or at least indicate that you don’t have good network coverage throughout your home.
However, since your router should have internet access even though you can’t connect, you shouldn’t see the Asus router red light we worked to address in this article.
Remember: it means your router doesn’t connect to the internet – or there is no internet.
Hope this helped you! Let us know how it went!