Rogers Modem Lights (Meanings & Fixes)

Rogers Modem Lights

Are you using a Rogers modem and you’re battling with your internet connection?

Understanding your Rogers modem lights helps you to pinpoint the issue. For example, a Rogers modem flashing orange is a common problem.

First, let’s look at the quick version: what those lights mean, plus a quick description of possible actions you can try.

Next, we’ll guide you through the top fixes in greater detail, and we’ll hope they get you connected again. 

For those who are new to the Rogers modem and how to troubleshoot it – relax. We aren’t going to load you down with jargon.

This is simple stuff that anyone can do at home. Our fixes should cover most issues occurring on your end, so there’s a good chance you won’t have to look any further for solutions. 

What The Rogers Modem’s Lights Mean

1. Rogers Modem: No Light

No light means there’s no power to your modem. If you aren’t having a general power failure, check your cables and power switches.

You can also try plugging your modem into another power outlet. 

2. Solid Amber or Solid Red

Your Rogers Modem is not connected to the internet. Give it a minute or two to see whether it is booting up. 

If you haven’t managed to connect within about five minutes of turning on your Roger’s modem, there is a connectivity issue. 

Start with a simple restart. Still struggling? Try to power cycle your setup. If you’re still out of luck, try restoring and reconfiguring factory settings. 

Not sure how? We’ll give detailed instructions in the next section of this article.

3. Rogers Modem Flashing Orange

Your modem is completing downstream registration. In simple terms, it’s connecting to the internet. Once it does, the light will change to flashing green and solid white. 

If your Rogers modem keeps flashing orange, check your cables. 

Still no luck? Try removing any extra splitters or signal-amplifying devices you’ve added to your setup. Do another restart. 

Failing that, restart, try a power cycle, or restore factory settings and set up your Rogers from scratch. 

4. Flashing Green

Your Rogers modem is completing upstream registration. This is routine and means that your modem has a signal and is now “negotiating” its connection to your ISP. 

The flashing green light should resolve itself, settling down to solid white – but if it doesn’t, start by checking your cables. 

If they’re OK, restarting or power cycling should solve your problem. As a last resort, before calling support, look for extra splitters you can do without and disconnect signal-amplifying devices to see if that helps. 

And, of course, restoring factory settings and setting up again could be a solution. 

5. Modem Light Flashing White

Your Rogers modem is ready to be set up. Use your Ignite HomeConnect app to complete the process. 

You’ll need a MyRogers username and password to do this. Once you’re in, simply follow the prompts. 

6. Steady White Light

A steady white light means that you should have an internet connection. 

If you don’t seem to have internet, begin by testing another device. If it’s connecting, try restarting the device that isn’t getting a WiFi signal and check its settings. 

If this step doesn’t help you, force a reboot by power cycling your Rogers modem and any third-party routers you may have added. (Full instructions in the next section.)

7. Alternating Green and Amber Light

Your Rogers modem is getting a firmware update. It should be complete within about ten to twenty minutes. Don’t turn it off while this is happening. 

After your firmware update, your modem should restart itself, and everything should return to normal. If it doesn’t complete the firmware update as expected, give it a little more time before attempting a power cycle. 

Several users have said that their modem doesn’t restart after firmware updates, so you may have to do a manual restart. After you’ve done so, your modem should be working properly again. 

As a last attempt, restore factory settings. We’ll run you through this shortly. 

How To Fix Problems With Your Rogers Modem

1. Restart or Power Cycle Your Rogers Modem

Restarting is often all you need to get your Rogers modem back up and running. 

  • Use your MyRogers username and password to sign into the HomeConnect app
  • Go to “WiFi”
  • Select “WiFi Equipment”
  • Select the option labelled “Gateway Modem”
  • Click on “Restart” and then choose “Restart Gateway”

As you’ll have seen, power cycling is a hot tip for those experiencing issues with a Rogers modem. 

  • Unplug your modem from its power supply. 
  • Unplug any extras you might be using along with your Rogers Modem from their power supply and the Rogers Modem. 
  • Wait a few minutes. Two minutes should be enough, but it won’t hurt if you leave it unplugged for longer. 
  • Plug in your Rogers Modem first and see if it boots up OK. Remember, you’re waiting for that steady white light. 
  • If all goes well, you can try reconnecting any extras you use with your modem. 

2. Checking Your Cables

Simple though this might sound, it’s worth being sure that your cables are plugged in correctly and making contact. 

Try giving them a gentle wiggle to see if they’re sitting snugly. We call this “finger tight,” which describes what you’re looking for nicely. 

Even if everything seems to be alright, cables can be damaged. You might be able to spot pinch points showing that your cable has been damaged.

Even if you don’t see anything like this, it’s still worth testing out a spare cable if you have one. 

3. Your Added Splitters and Amplifiers

If you’re using your Rogers modem with extra splitters and amplifiers you installed yourself, they could be weakening or even blocking the signal. 

Try unplugging them from your modem and starting it up by itself to see whether this is the cause of your issue. 

4. Factory Reset: When Nothing Else Works

Restarting and power cycling don’t make you lose your settings – but restoring factory settings will.

However, it’s a way of starting over as if you just received your modem and might solve your problems. 

  • Look for the reset button on the back of your modem
  • Press and hold the button for 30 seconds
  • The light should rapidly flash green
  • Your router restarts and the flashing white light appears
  • Set up your modem as you did when you first installed it

5. Using Your PC or Laptop to Reset Your Rogers Modem

If you don’t feel like all the button-pushing to restart or reset your modem, you can do it using the admin page. Here’s how.

  • Enter in your preferred search engine’s address bar
  • There may be an SSL certificate warning: click “Advanced” and then “Proceed”
  • Use your username and password to log in. The defaults are “admin” and “password,” but they won’t work if you already set up your modem and changed these.
  • Go to “Troubleshooting”
  • Choose “Select/Restore Gateway”

Once you are there, you can:

  • Choose “Reset” to restart the modem
  • Choose options to reset the Wifi Module only or the WiFi Router only
  • Restore Wifi Settings or
  • Restore factory settings

In most instances, “Reset” and “Restore Factory Settings” are the options you’d choose.

Remember, a reset just restarts your modem – you don’t lose your settings. “Restore Factory Settings,” on the other hand, means you’ll have to enter your settings again.  

6. Contact Rogers Support

You’ve got several options for contacting Rogers support. Using the various chat options they offer can be frustrating, so your best bet is to give their 24-hour support line a call. 

If you’re inside Canada, call 1 888 764-3771

Outside of Canada, your number will be: 1 514 734-7699 and you will have to select option 3.

Since you’ve already tried the most common fixes, be sure to tell the operator what you did – it should help them identify your issue faster. 

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