WiMax Basics – Using 4G Wireless in your Network


As wireless Internet services grow and expand, it seems that the industry is on a constant upward spiral. The potential for increased connectivity seems to be virtually limitless, and the spirit of competition and desire for profits will almost certainly motivate wireless providers to continue to strive for new heights for the foreseeable future. It is these factors that, seemingly almost overnight, led the world of wireless Internet from 3G to 4G service. Companies such as Clear internet, Verizon wireless, and others, now offer extremely impressive 4G networks that allow the fastest and clearest wireless Internet connections we have ever seen.

For the most part, the technology of 4G has come into existence with the emergence of two competing networks that are paving the road for high-speed wireless Internet connections. Verizon has come out with a 4G service called LTE, while companies like Clear and Sprint are using a variation known as WiMax. The following is a brief introductory exposition on how WiMax 4G service actually works.

The Benefits of WiMax

Much like any WiFi network, the main benefit of WiMax is of course the fact that it sends Internet signals wirelessly, meaning that you do not need cables or cords. The specific benefit that WiMax 4G adds to the equation is higher connection speed, and a broader coverage area, than anything that has come before it. WiMax towers can provide coverage to approximately three thousand square mile areas, and you can pick up the signal simply by using your WiMax receiver or modem.

Generally, the way that this all works is that a WiMax station will transfer data at your request to your computer (or other wireless device) when you use the Internet. Using your wireless modem, you will receive the data, usually via a protected network (so as to avoid wireless Internet theft from nearby users), and you will be up and running on the Internet. As you can see on the WiMax page on howstuffworks.com, your network ought to be able to transfer about seventy megabits per second by the above listed method.

There is of course more to know if you are specifically curious about the exact ways in which the WiMax network operates. However, the above has been a brief description of some of the basic technological abilities and methods of a leading 4G wireless network. As history indicates, the technology will only improve over time, as wireless capabilities will no doubt expand, and connection speeds increase.

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