Passing Cisco Exams with Pass4Sure or TestKing? DON’T!


I have taken my fair share of technical exams for career certification. For Cisco I’ve taken the CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, and CCIE, plus numerous other exams including the PIX and content engine exams. Prior to Cisco I took the Microsoft exams and had my MCSE. And still before that was Novell when I took the CNA exam. Almost every time I took one of these exams I would prepare by reading a book on the related topic and buy a practice exam.

In the old days it was Transcender. I used Transcender exams faithfully to pass both the Novell and Microsoft exams. Then later when I started my Cisco training it was Boson. Boson is really great, and nowadays also Udemy has plenty of resources.

I must be honest telling you that when I found TestKing and Pass4Sure, like many colleagues too afraid to disappoint our manager, I used them to prepare my exams.

Why you should NOT use Pass4Sure or TestKing

I tried both TestKing and Pass4Sure exams to help me study.  I recently took a CCIE bootcamp at CCBootCamp – see the post Getting Excellent Training for the CCIE.   During and after the class I used both the CCIE Pass4Sure exam and the TestKing exam to gauge my knowledge.  Even though I knew the material, the exam questions were worded in a very tricky way. These tests got me over that last hump and I passed the CCIE written exam.

The problem is that Pass4Sure and TestKing are not exam preparation material. They are the exact exam somehow ‘stolen’.

There are all kinds of rumors that float around about some of the newer exams.  Rumors of guys sitting around in a testing facility somewhere to essentially copy the test.  I don’t know for certain if this is true.  I do know that the ‘practice exam’, as they call it,  is damn close to the real thing.

What I know, is that using these braindumps won’t make you a better network engineer.

They are illegal and IT vendors are cracking down on them, changing exams more often and adding more practical tests.

So please stop thinking that braindumps are the only way to pass certification exams.

At the end of the day, when you sit in an interview for a Network Engineer position, you are going to be tested for your real technical knowledge as well as your soft skills. In that situation, you will not have any brain dump helping you so if you cheat on the certification exam, you are basically shooting yourself in the foot.

You’re fooling yourself and supporting unethical companies.

Disclosure: Testking and Pass4Sure both advertised on in the past. However, we STOPPED promoting them because of the ethical concerns and their bad business practices.

73 Responses

  1. Awesome writing. I am not a person who like certification practice question as most of them have no valid questions ans answers. As well as they are not updated. I have spent a lot time in preparation of CCNA 200-125 and in last I have tried on my friend’s suggestion.

    They are valid & updated. I am now accepting these websites are helpful.

  2. I found one of the best IT Certification exam with experts study guide resource on the market. I am really very happy when i am passed this exam with the help of microsoft 712 exam Question with Exeprts Verified Answers This site is very helpful for me. So Exited i am pass the exam with Good scores.

  3. I used Testking a while back to study for N+ and PMP, I failed both exam. Testking study material didn’t come close to test material. It appears to be a scam org. I can’t recommend anyone use Testking.

    1. Hi Junior MC,

      It’s disclosed at the end of the article that we have affiliation with both Pass4Sure and TestKing.
      We are online since 2009 and always offered honest reviews of products we have personally used.

  4. I bought question and answer and when I download it saying this no current license found fort his user- sent an email to support testking but got no response – Is there any way I can get my money back – worst experience

    1. Hi Jeet, sorry to hear that, I would suggest to charge back via Paypal or the payment processor they use.

  5. Hi Chris,Fastlane work book wrote by Jerome Henry & I think he is the best instructors for wilreess CCIE (based on his youtube vidio, blog, CiscoLive presentations). So his book is easy to follow and explanations are great.Yes, I tried to build my home lab similar to IPExpert and practice their workbooks. Since it was not 1:1 match I had to change initial configs to suit my lab. These consumed a lots of time & sometime answers in the workbook pretty much CLI output & if your lab is not identical hard to follow the explanation without an extra effort. Good thing about Fastlane workbook is there are no multiple initial config for each technology labs. You can do those task with few equipments, no need to have a full scale lab. (By the way I have uploaded Fastlane lab topology in to My Home Lab Post , you can have a look). I have not set up a lab for fastlane, but doing small labs to understand the concept at my own lab.I think INE’s Video-on-Demand series is my favorite when I did my R&S. But they do not do wilreess. I think even fastlane does not have any VoD. IPExpert VoD is good starting point(CCIE lab v2.0 VoD Recently done by Nicolas Darchis A Cisco Employee) which may help you for both written & lab. Get your wired/QoS/Multicast skills upto a level where you are comfortable with any configuration tasks listed in the configuration guide of 3560 switches specific to these topics. I had that advantage since I did my R&S & went through those material in the past.Rasika

  6. I purchased the CCNA package from pass4sure. I though it was a great resource for studying for the exam, but if you don’t study anything else I doubt you’ll pass the exam. It showed me where I was weak and what I needed to study on my own. You need to learn how to subnet on you own and if you don’t get practical experience with IOS you won’t pass scenarios on the exam. You need to be able to determine why SPT and EIGRP relationships don’t establish and a few other troubleshooting techniques. I got a 907 on ICND1 and 986 on ICND2, so I’m pretty happy with pass4sure. I purchased the CCNA Security Exam from them and will take the exam tomorrow. If all goes well, I’ll continue with CCNP and CCIE. Wish me luck!!!

  7. Purchased a Test King practice exam for CCENT 100-120. Half of the questions didn’t work. The simulations don’t have any content. I asked for a refund, they denied me. Lots of inaccurate questions on these exams, with what appear to be helmet cam images. Stay FAR FAR away from these scam artists. They don’t honor their refund policy.

    1. Hello Travis,
      Thanks for the information, I personally sent an email my Test King representative asking to comment on this.
      I really hope this can help and clarify. Did you find better prep material?

    2. Travis, this is what I got back:
      “We need more information of when the User appeared in Exam, at the moment exam covers 100% questions of real exam with excellent pass rate.
      Sometime the vendor suddenly changes the pool of questions and updating the testking software does take a minimum of 1 week”

      You can also contact me directly from the contact page.

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