
Passing Cisco Exams with Pass4Sure or TestKing? DON’T!


I have taken my fair share of technical exams for career certification. For Cisco I’ve taken the CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, and CCIE, plus numerous other exams including the PIX and content engine exams. Prior to Cisco I took the Microsoft exams and had my MCSE. And still before that was Novell when I took the CNA exam. Almost every time I took one of these exams I would prepare by reading a book on the related topic and buy a practice exam.

In the old days it was Transcender. I used Transcender exams faithfully to pass both the Novell and Microsoft exams. Then later when I started my Cisco training it was Boson. Boson is really great, and nowadays also Udemy has plenty of resources.

I must be honest telling you that when I found TestKing and Pass4Sure, like many colleagues too afraid to disappoint our manager, I used them to prepare my exams.

Why you should NOT use Pass4Sure or TestKing

I tried both TestKing and Pass4Sure exams to help me study.  I recently took a CCIE bootcamp at CCBootCamp – see the post Getting Excellent Training for the CCIE.   During and after the class I used both the CCIE Pass4Sure exam and the TestKing exam to gauge my knowledge.  Even though I knew the material, the exam questions were worded in a very tricky way. These tests got me over that last hump and I passed the CCIE written exam.

The problem is that Pass4Sure and TestKing are not exam preparation material. They are the exact exam somehow ‘stolen’.

There are all kinds of rumors that float around about some of the newer exams.  Rumors of guys sitting around in a testing facility somewhere to essentially copy the test.  I don’t know for certain if this is true.  I do know that the ‘practice exam’, as they call it,  is damn close to the real thing.

What I know, is that using these braindumps won’t make you a better network engineer.

They are illegal and IT vendors are cracking down on them, changing exams more often and adding more practical tests.

So please stop thinking that braindumps are the only way to pass certification exams.

At the end of the day, when you sit in an interview for a Network Engineer position, you are going to be tested for your real technical knowledge as well as your soft skills. In that situation, you will not have any brain dump helping you so if you cheat on the certification exam, you are basically shooting yourself in the foot.

You’re fooling yourself and supporting unethical companies.

Disclosure: Testking and Pass4Sure both advertised on RouterFreak.com in the past. However, we STOPPED promoting them because of the ethical concerns and their bad business practices.

73 Responses

  1. teskting and sites of that kind would be great if the people proofreading them were not complete cretins. Is very lazy considering people pay for it, a testking kind of solution with geniune explanations to questions from real CCIEs would be a license to print money.

  2. I just failed 70-341. I got a 373, but needed a 700 to pass. I memorized every question an answer from testking. There were only about 10% similar questions. TK used to be good, I passed many tests with them. Now their quality is awful. Their software did not even work, their support had to email me an exe because the engine I downloaded from the site did not work. Troytec used to be good as well, but now they are gone, for MS exams anyways. So if pass4sure sucks also, what should we use?

  3. If you look at the whois for both pass4sure and testking you will see that they are both the same company. same product, different package.

  4. hello! can somebody please tell me should i use pass4sure for GMAT? if so, should i study with other materials too?

    1. Sorry but I’m not familiar with that certification. Since this isn’t directly related to computer networking, I personally have not heard any feedback from anyone who has taking this exam.

  5. All this companys years ago were good, by now not at all, my department with many of college has many exams success CCNA,CCDA,CCNP,CCDP and CCIE and more expecializations LifeCicle, and so on, before 2011 it seem that this simulatons exams or pdf documentation has questions and answer good, by during 2011 the question are good but not the aswers, I had done twice the 650-368 PSACAFE is an on-line exam, the material to prepare is e-learning. Well I did the exam with all answer of pass4sure that are equal to answer of actualtest, during the exam I looking for the answer in pdf of actualtest that I said I had check that are the same of pass4sure, and I get only a score nearly 500 when I need a score of 790, so that mean if the exam is 50 question to get 1000, more than half answer are BAD. 🙁

    I belive that Cisco this time want to sels more hardware/software producs and lest income from exams, and certifications.

  6. Hi,

    Has anyone used p4s ccie lab (R&S) test?

    Ive seen on their site its mentioned that they can provide a demo, but when I emailed them to get hold of one, they said they dont have one at the moment; why advertise then?!

    I did ask them another question; out of 48 lab Q's how many of them are troubleshooting questions and how many for config? No answer from them as of now; more than couple of weeks now!

    I am interested in buying one if it worths enough. But need some feedback..

    Thank you,

  7. I am also in Cert studying mode and would like to advise all that the 4exam.com is also a scam site. The 70-270 XP cert practice test was good, and accurate for the test. But the 70-236 Exchange test was not, only about 4 practice questions were on the actual test. I advised then to stop selling or update to correct, and requested a refund or another test, and they have refused to reply. SO NO REFUND. I am also studying for the CCNA and others, and cannot trust them now. Still looking for correct assistance for the 290, CCNA, Sec *, and more.

  8. I tried three exams from Pass4Sure and I will tell you that they helped and I did pass. However, don't believe what you see in their advertisements. They claim their tests have a certain number of questions and answers and in a sense, they do. What they don't tell you is that the questions are NOT UNIQUE. For example one of the exams claimed to have 100 questions. The fact is that it only contained 80 unique questions. If I had not been experienced in the product and used many other resources for preparation, I would not have passed. When I contacted Pass4Sure support they told me that their only concern is that I pass the exam. They would do nothing to correct the problem.

  9. pass4sure is fraud. I studied their CCNA 640-802. A lot of answers were incorrect, i tried to inform them but a didn't receive any feed back and i took my test this month and i fail it. I claim the refund because they guarantee but i didn't got any feed back again. They never refund and exchange if u fail the test. Its all fraud they just say 100% money back guarantee if u fail the test by studying their material but they don't do that. I think they are doing this to me because I got a Muslim name. I really feel that they are raciest. I don't of that much money to pay my exam fees again and again. But they never care. Plz I am advising you that don't buy any thing from pass4sure.com. Its waste of money…

    1. You know the same happened to me, now I don't know what to do, my boss want me to get the certificate although I am not going to use Flex at work

    2. @ Farah .. I feel u Farah , the best thing to do is to practice the laps and get a router to practice the laps and study the material. trust it needs only one month ..

  10. Do not purchase this product!!! First of all it's totally outdated and the materials/practice labs provide no guidance, are completely useless, and are loaded w/ errors. TK claims they have high success for their customers. Not true, total scam!!! After contacting TK directly, they also claim they will not guarantee the success of this product even after website clearly states guarantee w/ zero ambiguity. Stay away and use reputable preparation materials from Micronics, INE, or IPExpert.

  11. Be aware that PASS4SURE is not selling you anything. You are only RENTING the questions. I thought I bought a CCNA 640-802 test package product. I practiced a couple of months and got through the first 200 of the 400 with better than 95%, then I got a short job offer and put it aside for awhile. When I came back I couldn't open the package anymore! Now they want me to buy it again!

    This group is dishonest and you can bet I won't be doing business with them again. It's no wonder people all over the internet are cracking these things. What a ripoff.

  12. Lately both testking and pass4sure are looking very similar. Has anyone else noticed the same? I wonder if they are the same company.

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