
1841 ISR

Cisco 1841

1841The Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Router provides the following support:The Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Router is part of the Cisco 1800 Integrated Services Router Series which complements the Integrated Services Router Portfolio.

  • Wire-speed performance for concurrent services at T1/E1 WAN rates
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased performance and modularity
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased modularity
  • Increased density through High-Speed WAN Interface Card Slots (two)
  • Support for over 90 existing and new modules
  • Support for majority of existing WICs, VWICs, and VICs (data mode only)
  • Two Integrated 10/100 Fast Ethernet ports
  • Security
    • On-board encryption
    • Support of up to 800 VPN tunnels with the AIM Module
    • Antivirus defense support through Network Admission Control (NAC)
    • Intrusion Prevention as well as stateful Cisco IOS Firewall support and many more essential security features

9 Responses

  1. not its not brand new, it was being used for a long time, and then one of my colleagues was working on it to practice for his ccna, and when I got it back, this is what happened.. arrgghh… so you could be right, probably set to something non-standard..

    how can I rma it btw?

    1. You might want to look here to see if this helps – http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/routers/ps

      This should help you get the router back to factory defaults.

      To RMA the router (return it for a replacement) you will need to contact the Cisco TAC. You can also contact your Cisco sales rep or your Cisco VAR who can help. TAC will be able to determine if there is a physical problem with the router so you might want to give them a call.

  2. Ahh.. Thats good news in a way. You know your settings are good and your connecting fine. Is this router brand new? It could still be a setting issue on the console if someone previously set the connection settings to something non-standard. The hard part is that you will have to just guess at the what new settings could be. Then again you may just have a problem with the router and need to rma it. If you can call tac see if they can help.

  3. oh, I have another router identical, and it boots perfect with the same settings… I am using secure CRT.

    thanks again

  4. Thanks for the response Joe, didnt know anyone would come back to me..

    yes.. its setup to 8 bits 9600 baud and no parity to the console port..

    man this is really bugging me, I hope i dont have to chuck this thing away 🙁

  5. Hi there when booting my 1841 i get the following output:

    Do you know how I can fix this?


    1. Hi Jean,
      Are you connecting to the console? If so, what are your console settings set to? The default is 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control(9600, 8, N, 1). Give that a try and see if it helps.
      Keep us posted.

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