
Hisense TV Universal Remote Codes

Hisense TV Universal Remote Codes

A universal remote can be programmed to your Hisense TV seamlessly using a unique code.

To do this, you need to know the correct code for your device, which is normally a 3-digit, 4-digit, or 5-digit number such as 759, 1170, or 11758.

This guide will provide you with a list of Hisense TV universal remote codes from which you can choose.

Once you know the specific code for your TV, you can use the Direct Code Entry method to program your remote to the TV.

But if you can’t find the correct code, use the Automatic Code Search or Direct Code search method to program the remote.

This article will provide more information about the Hisense TV universal remote codes as well as the troubleshooting tips that you can follow if your remote is not working.

Key Points

  • Universal remotes can be paired with Hisense TVs using either 3, 4 or 5-digit code.
  • The correct code can be found online, in the TV user manual or via an automatic code search on the TV.
  • If you encounter issues, check there is no interference between the TV and remote, check the remote batteries or try rebooting the TV.

Hisense TV Universal Remote Codes

Below are the various universal remote codes for Hisense TV:

#1. 5-digit codes

  • 11758
  • 12183
  • 10748

#2. 4-digit codes

  • 1170
  • 0073
  • 0780
  • 0216
  • 0208
  • 0216
  • 0156
  • 0753
  • 0145
  • 0227
  • 0508
  • 0696
  • 0748
  • 0009

#3. 3-digit codes

  • 759
  • 756
  • 763
  • 764
  • 765

How To Find Your Hisense TV Remote Codes from Scratch

If you want to pair your remote with your Hisense TV but do not know which code to enter, follow the steps below to find a code for your TV:

  1. Check the manuals – the first place where you will find the remote codes is the Hisense TV manual or your universal remote’s manual. This is because a lot of manuals will have a list of codes that are compatible with several TV models and brands.
  2. Search online – if the manuals do not have the correct code, try finding it online by entering the ‘(your remote brand) code for Hisense TV’ into the search engine. With this method, you will get the required code, but you must verify the accuracy of the information.

Ways of Programming Your Universal Remote

Now that you have the code, use any of the following methods to program your universal remote:

#1. Automatic Code Search

The automatic code search function makes programming your remote easy as it simplifies the process by searching through the available codes until it gets the correct one for your TV. Follow the steps below to do an automatic code search:

  • Power on your Hisense TV.
  • Press the device button on your remote and hold it.
  • Now press and hold the power button while holding the device button until the remote’s LED light turns on.
  • Point the remote towards the TV after releasing both buttons.
  • Repeatedly press the power button until the TV switches off.

If your TV powers off, it means that it has found the right code. To save it, press the device button again and your remote will be successfully programmed into your Hisense TV.

#2. Direct Code Entry

The direct code entry method allows you to enter the code directly to program your universal remote.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Switch on your Hisense TV.
  • On your universal remote, press the device button and hold it.
  • Using the keypad on your remote, enter the numerical code for your TV model.
  • Press the power button while pointing the remote toward the TV.
  • If the TV switches off, it shows that you have entered the correct code.
  • Save the code by pressing the device button on the remote.

The universal remote is now ready to be used with your Hisense TV as it is now programmed. If it does not work, try entering another code.

#3. Direct Code Search/Step-Through Codes

This method does not require you to have a code, but it can be time-consuming compared to the methods above.

Here is how to do a Direct Code Search:

  • Turn on your Hisense TV.
  • Press the ‘Setup’ button on your universal remote and hold it until the light indicator turns on.
  • On your remote, enter ‘9-1-1’.
  • Point the remote at the TV then press and hold the power button.
  • Press the ‘Channel Up’ continuously until the TV switches off.
  • Press the power button again to turn the TV back on.
  • Once the TV is on, save the code by pressing the ‘Setup’ button.

Troubleshooting Tips for Remote Not Working

Hopefully, you have been able to enter the right code without an issue. If not, then your remote might have a few issues.

Follow the steps below to identify and solve the issues:

  1. Buttons not held down – your remote may require you to hold the device or TV key button down otherwise the code entry will not work if it is not done properly.
  2. Low batteries – remotes are normally shipped with no batteries at all or with dud batteries. An easy solution is to always buy new batteries.
  3. Interrupted signal – after input, universal remotes usually have a slight delay to ensure that they work with the TV. If there is a broken line of sight between the TV and the remote before the TV can respond, then there will be a miscommunication. Ensure that you are directly pointing the remote at the TV, then give it a few seconds to respond.
  4. Faulty parts – the issue could be that your TV or remote is defective. Use the manual buttons to check if your TV is working properly. There is a higher chance that your remote is damaged if you cannot see any lights on it.
  5. Device interference – the remote signal can be interfered with if there are several devices connected to the TV through HDMI. Turn off ‘HDMI CEC’ in your TV settings to ensure this is not causing the issue.
  6. Reboot your TV – disconnect the TV from the power source, give it a few minutes, and then reconnect it back. Now power on the TV and try the remote again.
  7. Ensure that the Hisense TV model and the universal remote are compatible. You can find this information on the Universal Remote’s product page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are universal remotes?

The universal remotes are designed to replace original remotes as they can offer a wider range of infrared signals compared to a standard remote.

They minimize the need to have several remotes for each device within your home theatre as they can be used for multiple devices.

What codes do I need for my remote?

The code that you require for your remote depends on the model of both your TV and remote.

Check the code list mentioned above for the Hisense TV after knowing the code length of your remote. If you have another brand, check the company website for the code.

What should I do if the code is not working?

If the code that you have entered is not working, try inputting another code.

Otherwise, try some of the troubleshooting tips mentioned above including aiming your remote directly at the TV, ensuring that the batteries are charged, and making sure that there is no signal interference.

How do I prevent HDMI interference?

If you want to prevent interference caused by other connected devices, navigate to your TV settings and disable the ‘HDMI CEC’.

How do I connect a universal remote to my Hisense TV?

First, you need to know the correct code for your Hisense TV. You can know this by following the steps mentioned above and then using the code to pair a universal remote with the Hisense TV.

Final Words

Hopefully, you now know the different codes to program your universal remote and pair it with the Hisense TV.

There are multiple Hisense universal remote codes as mentioned above, whether 3-digit, 4-digit, or 5-digit.

Knowing the correct one for your TV model will ensure that programming the remote to the TV is successful. If you are having issues with the universal remote, you should try the troubleshooting steps mentioned above.

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