Rogers Modem Flashing Green (Causes & Easy Fixes)

Rogers Modem Flashing Green

As a broadband internet provider, Rogers is known for its high-speed connections – but its systems only support Rogers modems.

If your Rogers modem is flashing green, it is picking up a network signal and trying to complete a return connection. 

If you just spotted the flashing green light, give it a few minutes to see if it stabilizes to solid green. If it doesn’t, it’s time to try a few little fixes.

Begin by checking your cables and their connections. Next, it’s time to try power cycling your Rogers modem. 

Of course, support is there for you. But the basic troubleshooting steps are the ones you’ll be asked to go through first.

So, you may as well begin here. It will either save you some time when talking to support or fix your issue. 

There’s one other possibility: the Rogers modem stops flashing green and starts giving you another color. We’ll touch on what to do if this happens, too.

Need all the details? Let’s get started. 

How To Fix Rogers Modem Flashing Green Light

1. Check Your Cables and Unplug Extras

A loose connection would easily explain why your Rogers modem is flashing green. So, since this is the simplest thing to check, begin here. 

If all the connections seem tight, you can assume that the cables are OK and move to the next step – but not before unplugging any self-installed hardware like splitters or signal amplifiers. 

Rogers says that using additional hardware on your coaxial cable is known to weaken or block the gateway’s signal, so pare things down to the basics and see if that makes the necessary difference. 

There’s one other cable-related reason for your issue: damaged cable. You can’t always spot this just by looking, but if you see any pinch points on your cables, their core may be damaged, too. 

If you have extra cables, you might want to try them to rule out the possibility of a damaged cable.

2. Restart Your Rogers Modem  

A simple restart might solve your flashing green light problem. There are several ways to do this.

If you have the Ignite Home Connect App installed on your smartphone, you can restart your modem very easily.

  • Sign in to the app with your username and password
  • Navigate to WiFi and from there to WiFi equipment
  • Choose the Gateway modem option
  • Go to “restart” and then select “Restart modem.”

Alternatively, turn the power off and then back on again, try a power cycle or restore your Rogers modem to factory settings.

3. Power Cycle Your Rogers Modem

Power cycling is among the first things you’ll try with just about any electronic equipment when issues arise. But why does it work?

Simply put, power cycling clears away internal memory without changing internal configurations.

So, if there’s some glitch or overload, power cycling will clear it away, and you won’t have to do the whole setup process from scratch. Just plug and play. 

Need to know how to get this done? It’s a step up from an ordinary restart because instead of just turning everything off and then on again, you unplug your modem from its power source. 

Then, you leave it for a few minutes so that it will reboot from scratch without keeping any scrambled info that’s preventing performance. 

Once you plug it back in, give your modem a few minutes to boot up and check that indicator light.

There’s a very good chance that this will return it to its solid white light, which is what you want to see. 

4. Revert to Factory Settings

If you’d like to try all the possible fixes for your Rogers modem flashing green, restoring factory settings is a possible solution.

Before you do this, remember that you need to know how to reconfigure your modem because all internal settings will be cleared. 

If you’re comfortable doing this without help from the support line, here’s how to restore factory settings to your Rogers modem.

  • Ignite WiFi Gateway Modem-XB6: Look for the recessed button on the back of your modem just below the coaxial cable connector. Use a sharpish object like a bent open paper clip to press and hold the recessed button for 30 seconds. 
  • Ignite WiFi Gateway Modem (Gen2) – XB7: The recessed reset button is at the back of your modem above the telephone ports. Press and hold it for 30 seconds. The green light will start flashing rapidly. When you release the button, your modem will restart. 

5. Reset or Restart Using Your Browser

To do this, you will need to know your username and password. If it’s set to defaults, they will be “Username” and “Password.”

However, it’s unlikely that these defaults will work since you will have selected a new username and password when you first set up your Rogers modem. 

Supposing you know how to get in, here’s what to do:

  • Open your usual browser
  • Type or paste into your search bar and press Enter
  • If you receive a warning message, click “advanced” 
  • Navigate to Troubleshooting and select Reset/Restore Gateway

From here, you can choose to reset all or part of your system or you can restore factory settings. 

Reconfigure your system’s internal settings and see whether you now have internet access. You can do this using one of your devices or look for the solid white light on your Rogers router. 

A Variation: Flashing Green to Amber

So far, we’ve been talking about a green light that flashes on and off. If it’s flashing green to amber, however, that means you are getting a firmware update.

Firmware is the internal software your system runs on, and it’s important not to interfere with updates. 

After a few minutes, everything should return to normal (your router may restart after the update).

If you’re still getting this light pattern after 30 minutes, you may have an issue. You can follow the same troubleshooting steps we listed above to try resolving it. 

Red, Amber, White Lights

Solid red, solid amber and flashing amber are all bad signs for your internet connectivity.

Steady white is what you want, and flashing white means your system needs to be set up – that’s going to happen after a factory reset. 

Solid red or solid amber means your modem isn’t able to connect to the internet. 

Flashing amber means your modem is trying to connect but hasn’t done so yet. 

If any of these Rogers modem lights persist, first check for a service outage. If there isn’t one, you may need help from Rogers support, but you can also try the basic troubleshooting steps we outlined above. 

Are you back up and ready to go? Technology is great when it’s working properly, isn’t it?

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