
Verizon Router Blinking Blue (Causes & Easy Fixes)

Verizon Router Blinking Blue

Have you ever found your Verizon router blinking blue and wondered what the issue is? We’re here to help you out with this problem.

A Verizon router typically blinks blue because it is in WPS pairing mode.

The blue blinking may be triggered by an accidental press of the WPS button or other issues such as limited or no device connectivity, local internet outages, or a system overload.

In this article, we will reveal all the main causes of a Verizon router blinking blue and the steps you can take to fix the issues.

Thankfully, most causes of the blue blinking light are easily fixed through a system reboot, relocation of WPS devices, or a cable update.

If there is a local internet outage, however, you’ll have to hang tight and wait for the network to re-establish a connection.

Continue reading to learn more about how to solve a flashing blue light on a Verizon FiOS router as well as its causes!

Common Causes of Blue Blinking Light on Verizon Routers

The key reasons why your Verizon router is blinking blue are outlined below.

  • The router is engaged in WPS pairing mode.
  • The router is attempting to get a connection.
  • The router device is overheating.
  • The router requires a firmware update.

Verizon routers have two types of blue light, these are:

  • Slow blinking blue – the device is in pairing mode.
  • Solid blue – the router is paired successfully with a device.

If the router is engaged in pairing mode, the blinking should last a maximum of two minutes. This then converts to solid blue when the connection to WPS devices is successful.

If your router blinks blue for more than two minutes, it is either stuck in pairing mode or there is a technical issue.

Easy Fixes For a Blue Blinking Light on Verizon Routers

Verizon FiOS Blue Light Fixes

By now you are aware that extended blinking blue light on a Verizon router is not a good thing. The good news is that solving this issue is straightforward.

Below, we outline fix options you can take to remove the blue-blinking light from your Verizon router.

1. Change the WPS Device Location

One cause of the extended blue blinking light on a Verizon router is that the device is still in pairing mode. This is because it cannot connect to your WPS-compatible devices.

In this instance, you should bring your WPS devices closer to the router to prevent a failed connection.

Once you’ve moved your WPS-compatible device nearer to the router to attempt pairing, the blue blinking should stop.

If the blinking continues, proceed to the next step.

2. Implement a Router Restart

Restarting your Verizon router is an easy step to take to remove the blue blinking light. This same step should be taken if you suspect any router issues.

The following steps below should be followed when restarting the Verizon router.

  • Turn the router off and remove the plug from the switchboard.
  • Ensure the backup battery is also disconnected so that the router is completely off.
  • Wait for around 30 to 40 seconds.
  • Switch the router back on and reconnect the backup battery.
  • Wait until the router fully loads.
  • If the white light appears on the router, it is successfully connected.

3. Perform a Power Cycle on Your Router

A device power cycle is similar to a reboot but removes all electricity from the router. When the device is switched back on after a power cycle, the hardware is restarted and the device performance improved.

The steps below are what you do when doing a power cycle on a Verizon router.

  • Press the power button off.
  • Wait for 20 seconds.
  • Remove the cable from the switchboard.
  • Wait for a further 10 seconds.
  • Remove the end of the power cable that is connected to the router.
  • Wait for five minutes.
  • Reconnect the cables to the router and switchboard, and switch the device on.
  • Wait until the router boots and see if the status light is stable.

4. Run a Power Cycle on WPS Devices

Your WPS device may also be causing the issue as it is unable to connect to the Verizon router.

Performing a power cycle on a WPS-compatible device is the same as a router power cycle. Simply unplug the device from its power source, wait a few minutes then re-plug it.

When the WPS device boots up, you can then try to repeat the WPS pairing steps and in most cases, the device should connect to the router.

5. Check for Local Outages or Maintenance

One cause of the blue blinking light on Verizon routers is local internet outages that are preventing any local users from accessing the FiOS network. This could be general maintenance or an emergency repair.

If you suspect an internet outage, you can take the following steps:

  • Check with neighbors to see if they have any internet connection issues.
  • Phone the local internet service provider to get an update on any emergencies or planned maintenance.
  • Check the internet service provider’s service page and enter your postcode to see if there is maintenance taking place in your local area.

Unfortunately, you will have to wait until the issue is fixed before you can regain internet access and remove the blue blinking light.

6. Inspect Cables and Wall Jack

A blinking blue light on your Verizon router results from problems related to connectivity which can sometimes be caused by loose cables and the presence of moisture in the router’s wall jack or ports.

Therefore, you should inspect your cables and wall jack to see if that is where the problem is.

The following are the steps for checking your cables:

  • Inspect the wall jack and all the cables thoroughly.
  • Ensure that they do not have any moisture or are not loose.
  • Additionally, check for faulty wires or short circuits to prevent the occurrence of blue light.
  • Clean all the cables and ports using a microfiber cloth.

If you have done the steps mentioned above and your router is still blinking blue, go to the next step.

7. Check the Router for Overheating

A Verizon router that is overheated could also have a blinking blue light.

If that is the case, you should disconnect the router’s cable from the power supply and give it about five minutes to cool down.

After it has cooled, plug it back in and turn on the router to see whether the problem is still there.

The following are the steps to help you prevent your Verizon router from overheating:

  • Do not put anything above the router.
  • Ensure that there is no dirt around the router.
  • The router should have proper space around it.
  • Do not keep the router near heated sources like stoves, microwaves, or in closed cabinets.

Is your router still blinking blue? Next, check for overloading.

8. Check your Router for Overloading

Your Verizon router might be overloaded if it is still blinking blue.

This could be because the router is used for a task that requires more bandwidth than its capacity. The following are the steps to help you fix your overloaded router:

  • Disconnect some of your devices that are connected to the Verizon router.
  • Put a limit to the number of connections for the WiFi.
  • If the problem still stops you from connecting more devices, you can buy a third-party wireless router that is compatible with Verizon FiOS.
  • If your home has two to three floors, you should buy a mesh WiFi system that is compatible with FiOS.

9. Update the Router’s Firmware

If you have tried the above steps and your Verizon router is still blinking blue, then you may need to update the firmware. Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Admin Web interface of your Verizon router.
  • Tap on the System Setting and check to see whether any software updates need to be done.
  • If any new updates are available, you should download and install them.
  • When finished, restart your router, and check if the blinking light is gone.

The blue light should now be gone, but if not, you should factory reset your router.

10. Factory Reset Verizon WiFi Router

If none of the above steps works, it is time to now do a factory reset on your Verizon router. Note that doing a factory reset on your router will erase any settings, therefore, ensure that you back up anything important.

Steps to do a factory reset:

  • Log in to the router’s web interface.
  • Click advanced settings.
  • Now, tap on utilities then click Save & Restore.
  • Finally, tap on Factory Default then Restore configuration.

Additionally, you can use the following method to factory reset through the Verizon router reset button. The steps are:

  • Find a pin or something like a paper clip.
  • Press the reset button for about 10 to 15 seconds using the paper clip or pin. The button is at the back of the router.
  • Your router should then restart, and the connection restored.

11. Contact Customer Care Support

The final thing that you can do if your Verizon is still blinking after doing everything mentioned in this article is to contact customer care support.

You will be connected with a technician who will either tell you what to do via phone or they will come and inspect the router.

The technician will check the router for any damage and will explain to you if the router has a warranty for repair or replacement.

How To Connect a Device Using WPS?

WiFi Protected Setup or WPS is a setup that you can use to connect your devices to the network without using a WiFi password.

The whole process is very easy as you just need to press the WPS button on your router and then hold it for about two seconds. You will see a pulsing blue light appear on the display.

Now you can enable WPS on your devices including printers, laptops, FiOS extenders, or external hard drives. You will either have a virtual WPS button or a physical one on your WPS-enabled devices.

If there is a successful connection, the color on the router’s display will be solid blue then it will turn white. But if it does not work, the light on the router may continue blinking blue or will become a red light if there is an issue with the internet connection more broadly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the blinking blue light mean on a Verizon router?

The blinking blue light on your router means that it is trying to establish a connection and it is in WPS pairing mode. Typically, when the connection is established, the light should turn white. If not, then you should troubleshoot the problem.

Can I disable WPS on my Verizon FiOS router?

Yes. To do this you need to access the admin dashboard of Verizon FiOS. Click on Advanced then select WiFi. Tap WiFi Protected Setup, which is under WiFi, then disable it.

Final Words

Hopefully, this article has given you all the information you need to know about fixing a Verizon FiOS router blinking blue.

A blinking blue light on a Verizon router is quite a common problem. Luckily there are several ways of fixing this issue and getting your router back to normal. The most basic solution to restore your router’s connectivity is to restart it.

However, if restarting your router does not help, you can always choose other solutions including a cable check, rearranging your WPS device location or contacting Verizon FiOS for assistance.

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